Surgical procedures of the foot are generally performed on the foot for the relief of pain, restoration of function and the reconstruction of deformities. There is also an additional benefit of an improved appearance. Surgical procedures performed solely for aesthetic purposes poses the same risks as procedures for more traditional reasons. Patients considering foot surgery, whether medical or aesthetic reasons, are advised to consult a podiatrist who has the appropriate training, experience, and credentials to properly perform the surgery, manage the post-operative care and treat possible complications. At Aesthetics in Podiatry we strive to provide our patients with a high standard of care. To view our "Standards of Care" document click here
Below is a list of some surgical procedures. Click on a specific problem or scroll to see them all.
The Cartiva® Synthetic Cartilage Implant
CARTIVA® SCI is a 50-60 minute procedure where your Podiatric foot specialist replaces the damaged cartilage in your big toe with a new synthetic cartilage that behaves like the natural cartilage of your big toe joint. It was Health Canada approved in 2017 and is an option that safely and effectively reduces arthritis pain while also improving your toe’s range of motion.
Biopro Hermiarthosplasty with First MPJ Hemi
The BioPro First MPJ Hemi Implant is the globally trusted pre-fusion option for the treatment of hallux rigidus/limitus. BioPro offers the most comprehensive phalangeal based hemi implant system.
Satisfied patients​
97% patient satisfaction at 8.3 years
Immediate weight bearing at the discretion of the surgeon
Return to activity on average 5 weeks faster than fusion patients
Hyperpronation and the Resultant Flatfoot
The HyProCure procedure for the flexible flatfoot is minimally invasive and is typically done in 30-minutes or less. It is performed in our office OR under local anesthesia. This stent is placed in the naturally occurring space between your bones to instantly realign and stabilize the hindfoot allowing normal motion and weight distribution. HyProCure will not penetrate or be implanted into your bones. Call and book an appointment to find out if you are a candidate. For more information on the EOTTS procedure click here
Minimal Invasive Bunion Surgery Correction (MIBS)
This surgery is performed in our office surgical suite under local anethestic. The procedure usually involves making three or four very small skin incisions. One incision is used to file/shave down the bump, the second one is used to make a cut into the first metatarsal bone to reposition it, the third is made over the big toe bone to straighten it and the last incision allows the release of soft tissue structures which pull the big toe out of alignment.
As a result of the above, there is reduced soft tissue dissection required, resulting in less pain, less swelling, minimal scarring and reduced disability. Patients are able to return to activity quicker.
Toe Lengthening (Brachymentatarsia)
What is brachymetatarsia?
Brachymetatarsia is a condition that can affect the metatarsal bones of the foot. The most common location is the fourth metatarsal. It is more common in women. This condition can affect either both feet, or just one foot. When looking at the foot, the affected toe looks short.
What are the symptoms of brachymetatarsia?
Pain can occur from walking on the bottom of the feet due to abnormal weight distribution on the front of the foot. Also, the short toe often rides high and rubs on the top of the shoe. Patients can complain of callus development on the bottom of the foot. Cosmetically, the condition can be a source of embarrassment for certain individuals. Many people with brachymetatarsia avoid going to the pool and beach or wearing flip flops and open sandals.
What is the treatment of brachymetatarsia?
Surgical intervention is designed to lengthen the metatarsal bone to a normal length by means of an osteotomy (breaking of bone) and either gradual or acute lengthening. Gradual lengthening involves the use of a miniature external fixator that will stretch/lengthen the bone and its associated soft tissues over 3-6 weeks, until the desired length has been achieved. Acute lengthening is a single stage operation that will allow the surgeon to lengthen the bone in one procedure creating a space between the bone ends which is filled with bone graft harvested from the patient.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery - Permanent Partial Nail Correction
This routine procedure is done to correct chronic ingrown toenails. It is done under local anesthetic in our office.
The big toe is most often affected but It can be done to correct any of your ingrown nail borders. The recovery is quick. The patient is back in a comfortable shoe immediately and back to activity in a few days.